Registering with TOTUM and gaining access to our wide range of offers and benefits is now easier than ever. Whether you're a sixth-form, college or university student, professional learner, member of a professional body/trade union, academic staff or alumni - we've got you covered! Join us today by following our super easy step by step guide;
- You can review the membership options and the full range of benefits here before proceeding .
You will see up to 4 different options to confirm your account, which are detailed below;
Confirm using Sign In
Confirm using email address
Confirm using document
Confirm using code
*Please note* If you have selected the TOTUM digital membership and finalised account confirmation you will now have access to your digital account in the TOTUM app and website.
The remaining steps of the application process only apply to members applying for the full TOTUM+ membership that includes a physical card, access to in-store offers and additional benefits such as free tastecard and coffeeclub memberships!
We are unable to post cards outside of the UK, if you are living outside or the UK or are due to move here for your studies soon, you can check with your place of study if you can have the card posted to them for collection.
Payment can be made with all bank/credit cards on our web application, as well as with Apple Pay if applying through our app.
*** One last thing... If you ordered a TOTUM membership that includes PASS, you will now need to log in to the TOTUM app to complete PASS ID verification.