With hundreds of offers available across multiple categories, TOTUM has you covered when it comes to saving £££'s!
Each offer's redemption method (and T&Cs) vary, so it's best to check the specific offer page for redemption details. You can find all offers listed at totum.com broken down by categories, or you can search for specific brands/products using our search function.
Once on an offer page, you will see an overview of the general offer details and T&Cs. To redeem the offer simply click the 'Get Offer' button to reveal the redemption method, this can vary between;
- A link which will send you directly to a discounted area of the brand's website (i.e. Apple, Garmin, Samsung)
- A voucher code which you will need to apply on the brand's website (i.e. ASOS, myprotein, Lookfantastic)
- Instruction to redeem instore (i.e. Boots, Halfords)
All offers are tested and updated frequently to ensure they are working for our members. If you do experience trouble redeeming any offers from the TOTUM platform please be sure to let us know by creating a support ticket so one of our team can look into it for you.
If this doesn't resolve your query or you need further support please let us know here: Submit a ticket