Please use our Bot widget found in the bottom right-hand corner of our website to find answers to all common queries.

The Bot will be able to answer most TOTUM queries, but if you need further assistance you can select 'No' at the end of the conversation to be put in touch with one of our agents.

You can also get in touch by creating a support ticket using the link above.

All enquiries sent via the bot or support ticket will be responded to within 1 working day (Monday - Friday)

On social media? You can contact us on our Facebook page or via Twitter @wearetotum

When you make contact please confirm the following information as it will help resolve your query quickly!;

- Email address registered to your account

- TOTUM card number

If you would like to contact TOTUM Support in writing it can be addressed to;

OneVoice Digital Limited

Jactin House

24 Hood Street


M4 6WX

If this doesn't resolve your query or you need further support please let us know here: Submit a ticket